Streetscape Enhancement

Streetscape Enhancement - apart from road and structure maintenance, we are also committed to enhancing the streetscape of our community through greening, design and selection of paving patterns and street furniture that are commensurate with the environment, adoption of aesthetic highway structure design, etc. The following are some examples.

Thematic Design of Highway Structures

As part of streetscape enhancement, HyD introduces thematic design to enhance the aesthetic quality of existing highway structures. The thematic design aims to create a lively and refreshing image for highway structures in the form of featured graphics that could manifest the uniqueness of the local districts.

Chromatic Design of Highway Structures

Apart from thematic design, HyD introduces chromatic design for existing highway structures. Suitable colour palettes are chosen to enrich the visual quality of existing structures that are in harmony with the surrounding environment.

Street Furniture Enhancement

Site specific design of street furniture, such as paving, railing and lamp post is adopted to some districts or transport nodes which reflects the local character as well as facilitates wayfinding.

Slope / Nodal Planting

Highway Department is maintaining over 12000 slopes and the vegetation on them. The key objecive is to maintain the balance of public safety, sustainability and biodiversity. Some of the slope planing works at key nodes that showcase both biodiversity and aesthetic design are as follows:

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